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Search analytics

Analyze your site search usage with an in-depth, yet accessible interactive dashboard.

What are search analytics?

The intuitive search analytics dashboard provides valuable insights at a glance, offering a range of analytics and reporting options to give you a deeper understanding of what users are searching for and what content is being searched.

Use the insights and trends gleaned from the dashboard to make informed content decisions.

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How do search analytics work?

Search report

View what users are searching for on your website and unanswered queries, highlighting a possible gap in your content or language used.

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Search report

View what users are searching for on your website and unanswered queries, highlighting a possible gap in your content or language used.

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Click report

Quickly visualize your most popular web pages and faceted navigation tabs during search sessions.

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Click report

Quickly visualize your most popular web pages and faceted navigation tabs during search sessions.

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Location report

Get an overview of where your search users are from, and drill down by country, city and even IP address.

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Location report

Get an overview of where your search users are from, and drill down by country, city and even IP address.

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Track unusual search behaviour on your website (i.e. "cancellation", "support", etc) and take appropriate action to remediate emergency situations.

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Track unusual search behaviour on your website (i.e. "cancellation", "support", etc) and take appropriate action to remediate emergency situations.

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Demo video

Take a closer look at how search analytics work in this short demo.

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