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Web archive manager

Access a complete digital history of your website with reliable time-stamped preservation in its native format.

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What is web archive manager?

Simplify digital compliance and safeguard against false claims by tracking the audit trail of published content on your website. 

Any changes, such as publishing a new page or updating content, are recorded and stored in your chosen cloud storage, and a log is generated for your review.
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How does web archive manager work?


Schedule ahead or set up triggered-based rules, such as a webpage being updated or published, to capture snapshots of your web assets.



Schedule ahead or set up triggered-based rules, such as a webpage being updated or published, to capture snapshots of your web assets.

Data storage

Control costs by choosing where your archived content is stored - AWS S3, GCP or Azure, among other options.


Data storage

Control costs by choosing where your archived content is stored - AWS S3, GCP or Azure, among other options.

Demo video

Take a closer look at how web archive manager works in this short demo.

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